Writing Practices and Effective Communication — Why to choose Media for Mass Effects!!
Everything will be 👍🆗👌
Have ever fingers in our hands ever sought to decorate their self with rings? Have ever rings thought in whose fingers they will fit in? If both metaphors as questions are attempted to be answered long drawn argumentative thought process will be drawn to derive who is right and whose priori matters and which is to be first priortised??
The basic point in the whole creative writing regarding above two questions - nobody knows nobody or something, yet the sparking vision and imagination when poured into the making of an identity and when step by step the phases of creative processes follow up, both finger and the ring become productive elements to generate creativity with respect to their own speculated connotations.
Before we dive into the essentials of effective communication through writing practices, lets first find how both ring and the finger are customary customers customizing the trends of both traditions and beauty with truth.
The Finger 🖕and The Ring💍 -
(conversation in DEJAVU)
Finger:👆 How in the world I have been gifted with ten fingers on two hands?
Ring: 💍Hey, are you there the fingers? Are you ready to listen what I am to give you with to deck you up?
Finger:☝ Oh no! How you could be in association with the different sizes of my ten fingers?
Ring: 💍Haven't you heard that even the known Lord Shiva's great worshipper demon the king of mythical golden -made empire in the midst of Sea known as SriLanka got ten heads? Imagine how well His all ten brains with ten Heads had diverse functions, but well inclusive in performance for Divine's Plan?
Finger: 👆Yeah, you are right! But you do not have brain, insights, talent and knowledge! You are just a mass of a metal framed in a geometric circle?
Ring: 💍Indeed, your innocence and igorance have influenced me! But I have resources who take pride in their civilization to be human resources! They are, always looking for something to capture in moulding raw material into a creative content!!
Finger:🖕 How interesting it is! Do you think you would be ever designed to get fit in the variety of fingers irrespective of the fact of the size and form of buyers?
Ring:💍 See, when I would be shaped through an amazing hand I would be just letting me into flow of the designers' frames of thought! I will let him or her unleash her own imagination. Perhaps I can say I will be in total exhaustion as if to die forever, but lasts forever in some treasured memory once being loved and embellished.
Finger:☝ Pity on me! You will single-handedly in glorified state, and always being in ceremonious state!
Ring:💍 My Dear, how without you and your entity in fame I can be!
Finger: 👆Of Course, I am not wrong to feel so pitiable! Because, first of all, my fingers will be in the cut-throw edge against each other, throughout in pride for showing off their significant usage, and most likely, I wouldn’t let by any of the fingers in jealousy to be decked with your exquisite beauty so to feel that embodiment and experience‼️❤
Ring: 💍Alas! you have never thought about the fact, if no lover chose me or picked me or bought me, I will be left lifelessly in a closed box displayed in some shop!
Only then you will know I am more at pitiful state than yours!
Finger: 🖕 How can be so regretting! Don’t you think, I can also be a chosen finger indeed, but, if the choice of any gender specific doesn’t let me be adored, then God save me by his blessed love, not to left me undeserved!
Ring: Have you ever seen how you in hands ✋of humans are so valued as🤞✌☝🤞fingers?
Finger: Indeed humans cannot even imagine me being in absentia to do any of their own businesses, as I am always like a Soul contributing in their performance!
Ring: Have you ever thought, how cannot I exist without you?
Finger: True, very true! But this is also true once you are designed and embellished you can live on your own, your worth is as mystically important as I am, if I am given place through a gifted insignia by a worthy human being in relationship💏 with his favourite fan beloved wife👰!
Ring: Thanks so kind of you always full of compassion for others to tell their worth, I have now known why designers so crazy to Match-fixing, rather to firing!!
Finger: My dear fellow finger I am forever there at your disposal to get your love so to be loved and adorned, for you make my worth in human lens fabulous😋✨😋✨
So both finger and the ring finally go hand in hand to let their shapers to be their lovers - as both then live as if never to die, but to last forever!!😍😌
🙌🤝 🙌 🤝 🙌
After reading such a beautiful sensitive conversations between the Finger👌 and the RING💍 -
One can understand all promos to promote anything are dialectic, serving to create a pathway to step into dialogic process of productive contributor in the advancement of any product whether it is animate or inanimate, whether it us raw in form or in canvas form.
Writing and Speaking thus once in practice and in constant content marketing management, both amalgate same relationship of INFLUENCERS‼️
Forms of writing practices - are classified into four categories -
1. Expository writing that pictures raw or designed data mathematical more in words-formation than in emotional picturesque display of words to describe any product. It is mostly for commercial marketing for selling varied choices built -in either by one brand or by different brands for a particular item that scientifically draw its accurate picture for the customer to understand the product's making and cost. It is very graphically detailed.
2. Next is Persuasive Writing - Human Resources in marketing here play a significant role in effectively communicating both the worth of product and the consequent affirmation in its constructive usages. Here the HR has variety of patterns to communicate the marketed product by way of punchlines, taglines, markers, logos, narratives like creating a story or short film video to enhance law of attraction from both sides tk chase the purchase and passion for a particular object.
3. Descriptive ✍️Writing - The third way of coining the relevance of an investment in imaginations is to find an outreach by way of following up lead of followers, because all followers may be into some enchanted stage, but it will not add the number to the stocks, so the followers have their own followers, that scientifically set a meaning to substituting. So in writing practice how it works actually - one has to adopt multiple ways to make an outreach for approaching the common people by writing either through poster-captions on hoardings advertising the same, through screen-writing so to enact the same in advertising, through short stories depicting facts by way of fiction.
4. The last is the narrative ✍️writing that's almost fictional in storytelling. The characters as agents of action give a storyline, yet if analysed analytically, certainly convey operative information through the data that is dramatically drawn to mystify the significance of a particular thing or person as a productive output for generating multiple times other sorts of inputs to invent and discover something new.
In conclusion it is apt to infer the resources to work upon are unending, only need or condition is that as to be an effective communicator the pre-requisite is to learn to be skilful, resourceful and to optimise the least but the last opportunity and chances to upgrade oneself with strategic-need-based skilling as a writer and a speaker🔊🎯.