Just as after death, Gender has no Soul, similarly Freewill has nothing to do with Soul. Just as on Earth, Body is referred to a specific Gender, similarly Freewill has its relation and limitation with the body in context of human needs and man-made laws.
In all this Soul has only one role - to keep giving you energy so your body may not be lifeless. But it has its own system, the more body gets trapped in the question of freewill, Soul's essence does not question, rather flows with your body's limits and relationship with its silent step inside your body as energy as long as body has the capacity to hold its lights or energy.
So there is no Soul Contract, rather there is body-contract with freewill. Soul is beyond all physical reality, Soul is a phenomenal reality that pervades in one's body or in all bodies with just its aura or light and moves within body as long as body lives through it with its capacity.