Many healing guides tell about the healing of Souls. Many guided healers attempt to attract healing Souls to live a life of self-realisation. Many spiritual guides say Soul is the Falcon who drives one’s nuts of bodies towards a sense of self-defense and self-orientation. Many magic craftsmen speak of Falcon the healer of blockages that let one’s nuts in one’s body to open with new self-purpose and self-esteem. Many nuts in one’s body even after being relieved from the crevasses of broken vision look up to 🧚♂️Falcon🧚♀️ to do some magical falconry👻 so that love for law of attraction may bring some sort of transformation, but often the Falcon “the healer of the Soul” forgets that just as it has to look into the affairs of “Many Nuts” trapped in bodies, or many bodies trapped in nuts, similarly in a nutshell the **Falconry of the Falcon** too gets pre-occupied, even though attempts to clinging in varied positions to draw love and law of attraction for time being at a window of a certain 💕 loving Falco 💕 whom the Falcon thinks that with his falconry it may remain by and large longer with its being to Falco’s side, for to live life-long in peace at one juncture.
Falcon’s Falconry gets washed away with times and in times, it remains historic with certain memory in its purview to build another memory -just as rains washed bodies trapped in hard nuts so to sooth them with some relief to resurge, to sprout with another reinvigorated energy, none or not even an umbrella as a shade or shelter can embody the falconry of the falcon. The darkness of Umbrella has the witchcraft tempting capacity — it brings a bar, a dark sheltering bar to divide the space between the showering rain to percolate into hard-nut bodies to unite with cosmos, to make one Falco and the Falcon, whose bosoms may be drenched in the realm of falcon’s falconry, but in reality the falcon, whose reach is obstructed to cross the refuge created by umbrella while in times of showering rain, similarly the falcon’s falconry remains under unduly in chaos to resolve falco’s crisis, for it resides in the hard-nut body that gets disabled due to the unexpected divisive make-shift shelter crafted by the umbrella restricting falco to commensurate with falcon' falconry. Alas! the rains are made responsible for such collapse of falcon’s falconry. No it is not that. It is Falcon’s deep-rooted faith in the law of attraction to draw falco to its regime of expansion left Falco somewhere behind to step in the shoes of Falcon. Falcon’s falconry forgets that when its law of attraction works, many others in the cosmos look up to its falconry blessings; but those many other objects of mass and matter are not necessarily all are Falco 🤭🐚💐💕 .
Certainly the objects in cosmos both in mass and matter attract to make their own networks and galaxies with 💥collisions or without collisions. The impossibilities of accidental negoti is in control of patrimonial rights of cosmos and nature’s law and the destiny of Falcon falls in trap of his own falconry like a nut in its own nutshell trapped, unless a determined Falco knows to break the refuge of that 🌰nut.
Hope the next time the umbrella with its narcissistic shade may not be a pleasant disguise to disallow Falcon’s Falconry to go ahead with expansion of its frontiers of excellence with the same Falco from where the first relationship in the Falcon’s’s flight had started, so the retention of that same charismatic law of attraction with the Falco may live with glorious memory in future too. 🐚😌